Saturday, March 10, 2012

There’s such thing as Asthmatic Bronchitis

Asthma is not just merely one kind of sickness. There are other types of it such as asthmatic bronchitis. Asthma and bronchitis are two conditions concerning inflamed airways but they have different causes. The latter is due to infections by viruses and bacteria which make the airways to be inflamed while  former makes the muscles to tighten and narrow the airways. More often, infections come from environmental irritants like chemicals, cigarette smoke and dust. 

When both of them exist at the same time, then it is called asthmatic bronchitis. The illness is triggered by:

  • Allergens like pollen, food, pet dander or dust.
  • Particular medications such as beta-blocker and aspirin.
  • Excessive cardiovascular activities
  • Change in weather (hot from cold and vice versa)
  • Strong emotions such as crying, anger and laughing.

Symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis are:
  • Wheezing
  • Excessive production of production
  • Chest becomes tight
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough

It is important to see the doctor immediately when one is experiencing the symptoms mentioned above. Early treatment is the best way of dealing with the illness. Medications must be applied as soon as possible the illness occurs because for sure we do not want to worsen the situation.

Moreover, there are myths that it is contagious since it falls under bronchitis which is caused by contagious viruses and bacteria. However, we need not to worry as asthmatic bronchitis per se is not contagious at all.

To prevent this, one must not have too much exposure with the factors that triggers it. As much as possible, one must be neat around his/her surrounding as dust is one of the factors that trigger asthmatic bronchitis.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Exercise may trigger Asthma

The most common cause of asthma people know of is allergies. At times, we see stress to cause shortness of breath.  And we encourage people with asthma to be involved in physical activities to overcome this illness. But did you know that some exercises and sports actually trigger asthma? For some, this is their main trigger.

The condition is called exercise-induced asthma (EIA) or exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB). But having such doesn’t mean you can no longer be involved in physical exercises. Some people who are properly treated with this illness can compete in sports and some even succeed.

What triggers EIA is exercising in cold dry air. But wearing a mask or breathing through the nose can help keep warm and moist air be inhaled. Doing warm-up and cold-down exercises will also prevent abrupt changes which trigger asthma symptoms.

When you feel symptoms on asthma after exercising or doing sports, this can be an indication that you have EIA. The best way to treat this is pre-treatment. Even before you start a physical activity, you should take medication so the narrowing of airway can be blocked. You may opt for short-acting inhaled beta-agonists or rescue drugs which can be effectively used to prevent symptoms. Eighty percent of asthma patients have eliminated their symptoms on EIA.

Long-acting inhaled beta-agonists can also be used for EIA treatment. The treatment can last up to 12 hours. This can be wonderful for students with PE classes. They can take the treatment before going to school and still be protected during PE time.